
August 02, 2010

My first award

As you remember I couple of days ago I thanked Emily of Fuss Free Cooking for mentioning me among her favorite blogs. By doing that she turned The Versatile Blogger award to me. It really made my day and today I finally find the time to write a decent blog post about that. So, here is the award....

and here is what comes together with the award.

First of all, I have to share 7 random things about myself. Ufff, that's hard...I mean, I am myself a very "random" person but picking 7 random things that you guys already don't know or might me interested in knowing....that's a different story....but here it goes:

1. I HATE....but really HATE....raw tomatoes....and I know this is shocking news! Cooking a little bit and I'm fine, cooking completely and I'm super happy, give me a tomato sauce and I will love you forever but don't ever ever ever make me eat a raw tomato and not even a salad that touched it. To understand how this is a burden in my life you have to remember I'm Italian....growing up in Italy where everybody has tomatoes in every dish and hating it was very hard!

2. I also used to not like cats....until I met my husband who already had 2 amazing (super weirdo) that point I wanted one more. Now we have 3 amazing (super weirdo) kitties...and you understand why I can't take step by step pictures of what I bake.

3. I have a tiny tiny tiny kitchen....but I'm serious: tiny! I don't even have a counter! Don't ask me how I bake with 3 cats and no counter but I do! (Now don't start thinking that what you see on my blog is fake! I really make it myself). I'm looking forward one day to move to a real home to have my dream kitchen...In the meantime, I have to be patient (Wally is always amazed of how I make good desserts in terrible conditions...I will take a pic of my kitchen soon and post it so you can see yourself)

4. I also do not have a Kitchen Aid :((( really? Really! Hey, I've been unemployed for six months waiting for my green card...I need to save up some money.

5. Up until my early twenties I was fluent in 5 languages: Italian, English, Spanish, French and German. I stopped using French and German...thus, I forgot them. I speak English and Spanish decent enough so that people don't bother correcting me anymore. That means I don't improve anymore. Now, in my early thirties I speak poorly Italian, English and Spanish :( yes, I'm even forgetting Italian sometimes :(

6. My mom hates baking, so don't ask me where I got this baking bug from  but I'm glad I have it

7. The guy with whom I was for four years during my undergrad was great at cooking and always told me I sucked. He said that so many times that he even convinced me of that and I did not cook until 4 years ago. This blog is also a little revenge (too bad he does not even know it exists:)) 

And now comes the hardest part of receiving this award....I have to present it to my favorite bloggers! OMG, I read soooo many (yes, even if I don't leave many comments I do read as many as I can) that I don't know how to choose but I'll try....and you should really check them out! Even those that are in Italian have an English translation so don't get discouraged!

Ok, I have many many many more favorite that I'm sure already got their award....just check out my blogroll and the bloggers that leave comments to my posts...I really do read back all their blogs.

Anyway, again....thank you Emily!


  1. Grazie mille Sara, sei stata molto carina a pensare a me :) Di solito non pubblico i premi sul mio blog, però ci tenevo a ringraziarti di persona ecco :) Buona giornata!


  2. Ciao Sara! guarda, premio più grande che essere tra tanti grandi non me lo potevi dare!! :D
    Un abbraccio, mi hai fatto tanto tanto piacere!

  3. I enjoyed reading more about Sara and who is behind CaffeIna. I am envious of the languages you speak. I should be more fluent in Spanish, but am not. I've tried teaching myself Italian and French, but it's quite challenging when you're not using it in one way or another. Audio CDs will only get me so far.

    Sara, thank you so much for sharing and honoring me and my blog with this beautiful award! I'm appreciative that you thought of me amongst your list of blogs. :) ~Cristina

  4. Great news Sara! Well done!

  5. @Sara e @Juls: anche io di solito non sono una grande fan dei premi ma questo veniva da una blogger fantastica e ho pensato di far conoscere alcuni bloggers italiani anche qui!
    @Cristina: I really love TeenieCakes so no doubt you were in my list
    @Cath: thank you!

  6. Very well-deserved award for you, and I'm so honored that you passed it on to me! Thank you. I enjoyed learning more about you. I'm glad you have the baking bug too :-)

  7. Sara, congrats on a well-deserved award. I've really enjoyed your posts, your pleasant tone and educating me about new dishes. I've also been happy to see your regular appearances on the Top 9 list. :-)

    What a lovely surprise to check in here and find that you've included me on your list. Thank you so much! I'm honored.

    Even better, thanks for sharing the bits of info about you. I am also a cat owner because of my husband's love for them (I grew up w/ dogs) but now I'm just as in love w/ our cat as he is. :-)

    I envy you that you speak so many languages--that's a big deal for me. I've been trying to learn Italian but haven't been too diligent about it. Need to buckle down. My Spanish is a little better but could also use A LOT of improvement. I'm happy to have these things in common with you.

    Thanks again for this lovely award. You've just made a very trying day (at work) end on a very good note. :-)

  8. Ciao Sara,

    Finalmente, come di parola, riesco a passare per ritirare questo graditissimo premio. Ti ringrazio immensamente per il pensiero che hai avuto e, soprattutto, per aver incluso anche me. :)
    Mi riprometto sempre di aggiornare la 'sezione premi' del blog e renderla nuovamente "pubblica"... ma poi non lo faccio mai! Mea culpa! Ad ogni modo mi ha fatto davvero troppo piacere!

    Un abbraccio e grazie ancora!

    Ele :)

  9. @ Jean: if I can make smile even just one person per day I am myself a very happy person! I try my best to make this blog a fun, relax, and peer pressure-free place for people :)
    @Ele: mi fa piacere tu sia tornata a prendere il premio. Buon compleanno in ritardo al tuo blog. Non vedo l'ora di leggere la tua prossima ricetta!

  10. Sara perdonamiiii!!!! Arrivo a ritirare questo bel premio con un ritardo pazzesco, ma in questi giorni sto dalla mattina alla sera fuori casa e collegarmi ad internet sta diventando difficile, ma sono davvero ultra felice ed onorata che tu abbia pensato a me, davvero, mi ha fatto un enorme piacere!!! :-D
    Tanti bacioni

    P.S.: Ehiiiii vedo adesso il famoso header!!!!! :-D
    Ci credo che ti fosse piaciuto così tanto, è stupendo!!! In un certo senso ricalca il tuo modo di essere e la tua vita, vero? E poi è disegnato in un modo bellissimo!!! :-D

  11. @Ago: non ti preoccupare! Mi fa piacere tu sia passata a ritirare il premio! Anch'io sono in un periodaccio, riesco a mala pena a scrivere qualche post :( Mi fa piacere ti piaccia il mio nuovo header.....l'artista e' stata fantastica! E pensa che mi ha solo vista in foto!


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