
October 09, 2010

Maple glazed coffee cake for my first baking experience in the new home!

I’m done! With many things!

To begin with, I’m done with the moving. Well, not that we have finished unpacking but I did open all the kitchen-labeled boxes (and those are the important ones, right?). Also, I’m done with the Project Food Blog Competition. Yep, I’m out. And I have to admit I have mixed feeling about it. On one side, I can’t deny I’m a bit bummed! Well, of course I thought I deserved to be proclaimed the next food bloggers’ star J

Jokes aside, the competition made me learn a lot of things and gave me a chance to “meet” a lot of super cool food bloggers that I did not know before. I also had to reflect more deeply about the existence of my blog and which direction I want to take in the future. On the other side, these weeks of competition were very stressful for me. As I have already mentioned, I am the less competitive person I know and the competition was too much to handle when put together with all the crazy stuff going on in my life. All in all, though, I have to say that it was a lot of fun and a super positive experience. Over the last few weeks I wrote down some “existential” notes about my blog that I will share with you in a future post.

Move and competition aside, I’m done in general. I’m tired, now wait, exhausted! I had a two weeks period without break. I was really looking forward the weekend to come, except that….yesterday I had to call in sick! Fever and general sense of sickness will now force me to spend the entire weekend in bed. Yes, I’m really done!

However, all my baking stuff was there, on the counter of my new kitchen (actually pretty old but in my new home!) and they were calling me! Waiting to be used. I could not say “I’m sorry baking pan and vanilla extract, today I’m too sick for you!”. Come on, how can you say that to them?! Plus, I really had to test my new (again, old  but…) oven. I decide to go for a recipe that I saw at Liv Life two weeks ago. It was so enticing that I had promised myself it was going to be one of the first things I would have baked after all the craziness of my life has ended. And so I did!

I should say, no regrets! Kim’s comment about the cake was “When my teenage son takes a piece of something and excitedly proclaims,   I know I have a hit.” My comment is: Wally was able to say only one world “Wow” and then his mouth was filled by the cake, which was over in 1 hour! Yes, one hour! Only one slice made it to our Saturday breakfast.

This cake is a winner! If you need a treat or an afternoon snack, if you need to cheer yourself up or if you have somebody coming over to see you, you really have to try this one! Actually, you don’t really need any excuse to try it.

Maple Glazed Coffee Cake

For the cake:
100 gr (3.55 oz or 1/2  cup) granulated sugar
55 gr (1.9 oz or 1/4 cup brown sugar
76 gr (1/3 cup) butter, softened
1 egg
5 ml (1 tsp) vanilla extract
130 gr (4.5 oz or 1 cup) all purpose flour 
65 gr (2.25 oz or 1/2 cup) spelt flour *I simply used 1 and ½ cup of a/p flour
5 gr (1 tsp) baking powder
3 gr (3/4 tsp) baking soda
1 gr (¼ tsp) salt
240 gr (8.6 oz or 1 cup) sour cream

For the filling:
55 gr (1.9 oz or 1/4 cup) brown sugar
5 gr (1 tsp) cinnamon

For the glaze*:
85 gr (3 oz or 1/4 cup) pure maple syrup
96 gr (3.38 oz or 3/4 cup) confectioners’ sugar

Preheat the oven to 350º.  Spray a 9x5” loaf pan with cooking spray or grease it with butter.

In a big bowl, beat together the softened butter and both types of sugar until light and fluffy.  Add the egg and mix well to combine. Finally, add the vanilla and sour cream, stirring just until incorporated.

In a small bowl, whisk together the flour, the baking powder, the baking soda, and the salt.  Add to the butter mixture and stir just until incorporated.

Whisk together the brown sugar and cinnamon in a small bowl, set aside.

Spread one half of the batter into the loaf pan and sprinkle with the cinnamon-sugar mixture.  Cover with the remaining batter.

Bake for 35 - 40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.  Remove the cake from oven and cool for 10 minutes on a wire rack.  Remove the cake from pan and cool completely on a wire rack.

When the cake is cool, whisk together the glaze ingredients until the glaze is smooth and "drizzleable".  (Add additional maple syrup in small amounts if the glaze is too thick).
* I actually used much less confectioners’ sugar and much more maple syrup ( I just love maple syrup)

Have a sweet day!

Source: Kim Kelly @ Liv Life


  1. Ooh, now I'll have to try this too. I'm bummed that I'm having tea right now and I don't have a slice of this next to me.

    On another note, congrats on baking your first treat in your new home! I'm out of PFB too but I'm sort of enjoying my own time this weekend. I can only imagine how hectic it's been for you with the competition and trying to move. Give yourself a pat on the back--you did great!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend. :-)

  2. Jean, I can't believe you are out. Many of my favs are! But yes it has been a bit a nightmare going through the competition with all the other stuff going on so I'm really enjoying having my free time back. We both should be very proud of ourselves!

  3. You definitely deserved to move forward with the other challenges! But sometimes there's no rhyme or reason for these things. :-/

    This coffee cake looks wonderful... and that glaze is divine! Love it!

  4. This looks absolutely delicious! Beautiful photos!

  5. Oh wow oh wow. This looks irresistable! I would have loved to see you advance, but as Jeanne says, you can be proud of yourself to have managed to come so far during all that other stuff you had to deal with. You will be one of my secret winners!

  6. Happy to hear you're settling in! Good attitude regarding the competition. :) You'll get over that little cold in no time, and soon you'll have an awesome routine. Lovely "first time baking in your new kitchen" cake - I love the flavors, as well how it's quick and easy.

    The first thing I baked in the place I'm in now was baked banana oatmeal with bananas from the garden of our last home.

    I find it takes me about a month to generally get settled in a place, and a full year to really feel settled there. We're finally into month 2 in this house and I feel so much more at home - it's wonderful.

    xo Patty

  7. Ok, so now I've gone from "this would be nice to make" to "I HAVE to make this." Yee haw.

    I'm sorry you didn't make it on in the challenge, but I'm glad to have you back too. It was tough sharing you with Foodbuzz for that long. :)

  8. Thanks gusy for your support. Anyway, somebody had to go out of the competition right? Well, at least 100 of us this time :) so I'm proud.
    Christiane, yes you HAVE to make this one. Plus, you see? No chocolate! It's a winner for us! I'm glad I'm back to normality to be able to stop by at my fav bloggers and leave comments! And yes, Patty, it does take time to settle in. I'm glad you finally feel it like home. We are at 6 days now and we will be out of time next weekend. We plan on taking it slow and enjoy the process. We might feel we are really nesting during holiday time. It feels good though to know this is OUR home and we are not in rent anymore :)

  9. Sorry to hear you didn't make it to next round :(
    The coffee cake looks great.
    Get well soon :)

  10. I've got to try making that coffee cake sometime. Yum! I too am out of the #pfb2010, and I've got to tell you I'm relieved. It was definitely a (positive) learning experience (that I enjoyed) to a point, but it took away the freedoms I have, and love about blogging.

  11. Sara, I'm so glad you liked this!! It didn't last long in our kitchen either and my kids literally fought over the last piece... can you see mashed Maple Glaze Coffee Cake all over the floor??? Congrats on the new kitchen!!! How exciting is that?? On the other hand, I'm sorry to see you leave the competition, but I can totally see how it might be a mixed blessing... I'm not the most competitive either and have to say that I"ve really enjoyed reading all the posts but not having to put them together. You did great Sara!!

  12. Sorry you are out, you did a great job! I hear you on taking on too much at once, it wears one out! Glad you are getting settled, I have to make this cake, I loved it when Kim made it!

  13. I was sorry to see you didn't advance, you had my votes! Congrats on moving into your new home, its always an adventure moving, and the excitement of creating something delicious in your new acquainted with your home, letting it know delicious foods would be served with love in is part of what makes any house truly a home. Your coffee cake looks positively delicious....the only problem I see, is that I don't have a piece!!

  14. What a delicious looking loaf. This would be so wonderful to eat during the upcoming colder days.

  15. I'm wishing for some of this right now! The maple glaze sounds so good. :) Congratulations on a successful move- I hope you feel better soon!

  16. Kim, I'm really happy you posted this recipe because it truly was a hit in my home!
    Chef Dennis, you always make everything sounds so poetic! Thanks for your nice words.
    Thanks everybody for your sweet comments. You really should try this out!

  17. Sara - I'm with Christiane - this is a must make. If it tastes 10% as good as your photos make it look, it'll be a huge hit around here! I was most bummed that you didn't advance in the competition. But, you certainy gave it your all and did a great job. Hope you're feeling better. Kate

  18. Looks yummy & irresistable.Beautiful click.

  19. Sara thats sucha shame that you are out. You deserve all the best. A for effort, right? Also this is a great way to start your new place.... what a great recipe... Delicious!

  20. First of all, this coffee cake looks amazing--and your photos of it are just beautiful.

    Secondly, congrats on today's Top 9!

    Third, I'm sorry you didn't move on--I voted for you, and was sad to see that. :( It doesn't make you less awesome, though!

  21. I don't remember how I stumbled upon your blog, but I just wanted to say hello and tell you how much I like your blog! I'm your newest follower!

  22. This looks really delicious, a great morning snack for the fall months ahead. Congrats on the Top 9 today, too! I too was bummed that I didn't make it through in the PFB challenge, but a little relieved I do have to say. Great job on the first three challenges though!

  23. Thanks for the support on the pfb challenges and thanks was good going back to bake normally and make it to the top 9 with this cake.
    @The sugar queen: welcome to CaffeIna. I'm glad you stumbled upon my blog. I always look forward making new friends!
    @Stephanie: as I said, many of my favs went out and you were one of them. But hey, that doesn't mean we are not visiting each other blogs anymore. I'm glad this competition put me in touch with so many amazing bloggers like you!

  24. Oh no. You could have gone a long way. Atleast you've gained a loyal follower [me] through it :) The cake looks absolutely delicious, something that I have to make now!!

  25. Thanks Avanika! Always nice to meet new bloggers :)

  26. Oh my goodness! Coffee cake is one of my favorite desserts of all time, and the maple icing has inspired me to make this cake today. It looks SO good, I am so excited to try it!!!

  27. Sounds really delicious. Wow. I love maple anything. Glad your moving is over. I hate moving. It is the worst thing ever IMHO. I have moved too many times. I fear that I will move again in 4-5 years. I dread the thought.

    Sounds like you are totally exhausted. I hope you get a chance to rest now.

  28. Congrats on top 9! Oh how I wish there was blogging when my kids were little. We had so much fun, especially with Halloween scary treats and holiday cookies.

  29. That glaze alone makes me hungry!!! Looks delicious :)


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