
October 11, 2010

When you are having a bad with your favorite animal

Today I suffered a momentarily (I hope) blog depression. These are the symptoms: you look at your blog and you don't like it; you even start asking yourself why on earth are you spending your free time on this; you are stuck and have no idea in which direction to move to improve it; you want to take action but you feel uninspired.

This was definitely a day of bad moods between me and my blog. Oh well, it happens, from time to time. I'm sure to everybody. I had to react. So I decided to play a little bit with my favorite animal.

No, I am not talking about my daily pet therapy with the kitties. I love them dearly but cat is not my favorite animal.

Now, did you get what my favorite animal is or is it only my distorted mind that sees it?

Yeeees, it's a hippo. Now I can add a few more to my home hippo collection :)

Btw, the recipe is from Elra's baking, who adapted it from "Your Place Or Mine? 

"Cooking at Home with Restaurant Style, by: Jean-Christophe Novelli. I really did not change it and I think you should read her instruction if you are using a mixer (as always, I did it by hand.) Check out the recipe here! The only change I made is that I used a milk and honey glaze instead of the egg wash.

Have a sweet day!


  1. Girl.... I'm suffering with the same blogging hate/love affair. I wrestled with a cheesecake today that cracked and sunk. Let's hope tomorrow is a better day.

  2. I totally get that way with my blog. I've walked away from it for weeks at a time. Hope tomorrow is better. Love the food hippo!

  3. I love it! This definitely made me smile...hopefully it ended the hate part of your love/hate affair. I love coming here...your recipes and posts are always so inspiring!

  4. OMG... that is the cutest thing ive seen today :) made me smile :)

  5. @Moogie @bakingwithoutaBox @Sarah @Penny: thanks. I really hope tomorrow it will be better. In the meantime, I'm glad I made you smile, these brioche made me smile too.

  6. Awww, I love these little hippos! They're so cute!

    Sorry that you had a bit of a dip in enthusiasm today. I've definitely noticed that my blog love ebbs and flows from time to time. Sometimes it's important to just take it easy so you can get back to enjoying things.

    That being said, I'm sure these little treats really helped brighten your mood--they sure put a smile on my face! :)

  7. Well, I think we should go to start a Group Blog Despair Therapy !!! Sometimes I work so hard for my blog, and then I see that someone that has done a "silly" thing gets 89 comments !!! and I get 12 !! My daughters leave me messages on Post It, saying: Mommy, you are the best and so on!! And there, I realise I am successful, because, in the eyes on my kids, I am the best, because they see me working hard...because they see my frustration, they learn that life is not that fair....and it becomes a life lesson, for them and for me... ! Cheer up, your hippos are wonderful, creative..The world will forget this contest very soon, other things matter!

  8. Adorable! I do agree with fromBAtoParis on starting the Group Blog Despair Therapy! Some days are much harder than others especially when you pour your heart and soul into the blog, but I bet tomorrow will already look up and if not, take a couple of days. Sometimes that really does help. I enjoy all your posts and love coming here :o)

  9. Cristina and Susi: I love the idea of the Group Blog Despair Therapy! (can I bring my hippos?) Your comment were already very useful in cheering me up. I will definitely take a couple of days off to put things in perspective.
    Love to you all!

  10. I agree with Cristina--I think we all have those days. Isn't it amazing how deeply connected we've become with our blogs? We just have to remember that more people appreciate our content than we realize--some readers are just not prone to comment. I was one of these people who read food blogs all day but rarely commented until I started my own.

    This said, I'm glad your negative feelings were temporary. You have great stuff here so you just keep being yourself. These hippo brioches are adorable. See? Even during your worst moods you can still create beautiful stuff! :-)

  11. Hi Sara: I hope you're feeling better and in better spirits. I know exactly how you feel and it really helps to step away for a day or two and take a breather and refresh. Our sites/blogs are so much a part of us and such an individual labor-of-love that it's difficult not to take it so personal. Sometimes it is therapy...and sometimes it's the opposite of. :)

  12. Those are cute little hippos! Don't get discouraged...this is supposed to be fun! Do what makes you happy and don't worry about others.

  13. I get into that blogging depression funk too! Please stay with it. Your brioches are super cute!

  14. These are the cutest! I think we all get into a funk. I am new here and want you to know that I think you are super talented. :)

  15. I'd love the Blog Despair Therapy. I've gone on and off with the blog ever since I began. I love baking, but the pictures, the writing, the editing all seems like too much effort sometimes!!

  16. @Jean: thanks! I think it's really when I have bad days that I get better things really is my anti stress...then the photography side..that's a whole different story!
    @Cristina: the blog is very much indeed part of us! Isn't it funny how our mood depends on it?!
    @scrabbledhenfruit: you are right! I should really not worry about least not the important others!
    @Christa: coming from you that's a huge compliment 'cause I love every single of your creations!
    @CakeDuchess: welcome! I also recently discovered your blog and it's already one of my addition to the morning read!
    @Avanika: I know, I love every component in itself but when you have to put together baking, writing, photographing etc ....altogether sometimes it seems overwhelming!

  17. i hope the hippo lightened up ur blog depression. i for one enjoy coming here so much and hope that u never have to stop spending ur free time on it!

  18. Okay, if there ends up being a Blog Despair Therapy Group, I am in! So glad to see that others feel as I do. Sometimes, when everything goes right and I get good pictures, I love my blog so much. Other times, it seems like so much work! Or I feel like I HAVE to post to keep it going but I have no inspiration. I try to keep it mind that this is a hobby, not a job or an obligation.

  19. i actually laughed out loud with that one. too funny. i try to fashion food into giraffes all the time. :)

  20. Ok, so you have me sitting in front of my computer with an ear-to-ear grin on my face. My family will think I'm insane. I love the hippos; all of them!

  21. Sara, we all have those days and moments where all seems lost but i assure you your blog is gorgeous and inspriational. I hope you feel better soon. Love the post!

  22. how much fun is that, making baked animals! I am not a very good baker, but I do love baking, it makes me happy!
    thanks for sharing your favorite animal with us!

  23. I'm really happy guys I was able to make you smile! These hippos were therapeutic for me :)
    @BakingBarrister: you should totally make something giraffe-shaped. We should work on ideas for that!
    @Joudie: thanks! I took a weekend off town for a wedding and away from the blog until now and I feel a bit better! Inspiration will come back soon :)


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