
November 11, 2010

Braided sweet bread with coffee cream filling

It was hard starting this week. The emotions of the Foodbuzz Festival had to be put aside pretty abruptly. Monday started by waking up earlier than usual, having a lot of work and subs to do at the school, and fighting with Wally. I hate fighting but even more I hate fighting on a Monday! It’s not a great way to start the week and we are so busy during weekdays that we don’t even have time to talk and straighten things up.

Fortunately, we did. Wally and I are two weirdos (truly and I love that!) but we are so meant for each other J I know, I know…now I sound cheesy but we are! We did straighten things up…and this sweet bread probably helped. Maybe with the whole Foodbuzz weekend we simply hadn’t had enough homemade sweets.  This bread compensated for that!

I found the recipe here. I have to admit that the dough is fool-proof. If you are scared of yeast, this recipe will do for you. Maybe because of weird weather my dough didn’t seem to rise well enough at the beginning but it did eventually. It raised even more once in the oven. So, don’t be scared by this sweet bread recipe.

For once, I followed the recipe word by word. The filling did not convince me when I read the recipe. And I was right….even if it is called coffee cream, it was way to little and way too dry once the bread was baked. I will totally have to try this bread again but with a different filling, probably something with cream cheese so that it stays creamy once baked too. Let me know if you guys try it!

Braided sweet bread

For the sweet bread
200 gr (7 oz or 1 ½ cup) bread flour
2 gr (1/2 tsp) salt
20 gr (0.7 oz or 1 ½ tbsp) sugar
4 gr (1 tsp) instant dry yeast
100 ml (3.4 fl oz or 0.4 cup) warm water
20 gr egg*
20 gr (0.7 oz) butter

*to get 20 gr of eggs just beat one egg and use about half of it

For the coffee cream
50 ml (1.7 fl oz or 0.2 cup) water
5 gr (1 tsp) instant coffee
5 gr (1 tsp) all purpose flour

For the topping
almond slices

Sprinkle the yeast over the warm water and stir to dissolve it. Let it rest for 15 minutes. [If you are using instant dry yeast you can simply mix the yeast with the dry ingredients and then pour the water]

Put the flour, the salt, the sugar, and the butter in a large bowl. Pour the foamed yeast and the egg and mix until you obtain a sticky mass.

Transfer the dough onto a floured surface. Throw the dough and then turn it. [On the link I provided for the recipes there are great step  by step pictures and short video. You should check it out]

Knead for about 10 minutes and then shape the dough into a smooth ball.

Put the dough in a lightly oiled bowl and let it rise for 50-60 minutes, or until 2.5-3 times in size. [To check whether the dough has completely raised, press a finger into the dough. If the indentation remains, the dough has properly risen]

Knock back the dough by punching it gently. Shape the dough into a ball lightly. Leave for 15 minutes.

During this second, short rise, make the coffee cream by sifting the flour into a bowl, adding the sugar and the instant coffee and pouring the water into a bowl. You just need to whisk until smooth, cook in a microwave oven until thick [a couple of minutes, stopping from time to time to stir] and finally let cool completely.

Roll the dough out into a 30 cm (8”) square. Spread the coffee cream leaving a 1 cm (0.4” border) and roll the dough up. Close the dough roll by pinching along the border.

Cut the dough in half and twist it. Let it rise again for 40-50 minutes, or until doubled in size.

Brush the surface with beaten egg. [as many of you know, I don’t always like the egg wash and I often just do a “milk wash”]

Sprinkle with the almond slices and granulated sugar.

Bake at 350 degrees F for 30-35 minutes or until golden.

Have a sweet day (and don’t fight!)

Source: Home Baking


  1. Yes, Yes, with cream cheese filling and maybe almond paste! I love sweet dough. The high from the weekend did end way too soon! Can't wait to meet up again! Glad you and Wally are all good!

  2. An Italian red-head getting into an argument??? Say it ain't so! All I have to say is that Wally is brave to even try to tango with you!

    I wish the coffee cream had worked out because it sounds amazing. Maybe with some mascarpone (HAHAHAHA)?

  3. Your loaf looks delicious! I am sorry you had a rough start to the week, but I do think it was likely the lack of homemade goodies. Those always keep the peace in a relationship!

  4. This would be perfect with a cup of dark roast coffee!

  5. Baking fixes EVERYTHING! That's an awfully pretty peace offering!

  6. I always have trouble on Mondays after a weekend full of busy, wonderful times. This sweet bread looks like a fantastic way to cope with a Monday and the beginning of another work week :)

  7. Sweet bread and coffee! There is no way this can taste anything but fantastic! Thanks for sharing.

  8. sweet bread and coffee? yum. yum.
    Not fan of Monday either unless it's bank holiday.

  9. Loving this Sara! And fights only means you care....ok now that was cheesy.

  10. Sara this looks fabulous! I make a braided bread during the holidays but not with a delicious filling like this! I can't wait to try it! I love fool proof recipes :)

  11. Sara
    I have to tell you, that now when I read your blog I will hear that sweet Italian accent! It's going to make everything sound so much better now! I'm glad you and Wally are good now, its important to have that special someone in your life, I wouldn't know what to do without my wife.....
    What a great recipe, I do love that bread, the coffee cream sounds sooooo very very good!

  12. Glad you and Wally made up. It happens to all of us. I'm sure he appreciated you making this sweet bread for him. I know it would get me out of a bad mood. I love the almond slices on top. :-)

  13. Looks beautiful! Glad to see you two worked things out! I would definitely forgive anything for a slice of this bread!

  14. Gina: almond paste is a great idea! it would totally fit with the almond topping!
    Christiane: HAHAHA I think we both agree on stop using mascarpone for a bit :) you made me laugh so hard! Wally has all my respect and admiration to put up with me. I am loud usually (foobuzz people can testify that) but when I'm mad...I bet you can almost hear from on the other coast!
    Oliepants: coffee is always a must at breakfast for me...yes, it was amazing with it!
    Lisa: cheesy is good sometimes :) come on let's be more cheesy :)
    Evans: I love fool proof recipes too when it comes to yeast goods. The filling though really needs some work!
    The Chef: I'm glad you can imagine my accent...i will try to put more mistakes then usual in my posts so that you can remember my way of talking :)
    Jean: the almond topping was my little revenge at Wally...he does not like them so I could still make an offer of peace standing by my position :) I can be very sneaky!
    And everybody: we always figure things front of a sweet bread or scones :) Isn't that a great way?

  15. Funny, I totally didn't picture you with an accent!! =)
    LOVE this braid! This is the sort of thing my son will devour. We will have to save it for Thanksgiving Break.
    We've all been there with the arguing... but making up is good! Glad things worked out fairly quickly!

  16. Coffee and sweet bread is a great combo! I wouldn't mind having that waiting for me tomorrow morning.

  17. Kim, well I moved here 4 years ago so I guess I will be stuck with my accent forever :) If you try it out, make a different filling..seriously...and let me know how it comes out :)
    Eileen, I always regret not doubling the ingredients to make two loaves. These goodies are over so quickly in my house!

  18. Oooh, this looks gorgeous! I'm a huge coffee fan, so this would quickly be a breakfast favorite for me. Not to mention how deliciously fluffy the bread part looks. Beautiful!

  19. Yummmm this looks absolutely delicious! And I love the almonds on top - make it feel very festive and perfect for the holidays. Will you bring this to our foodie potluck?? :)

  20. Happy things are better now! Beautiful bread - I can imagine it with almond and poppy seed paste too. :)

  21. Somehow, home-cooked goodies (especially of the sweet variety) always make things better, don't they? This looks lovely, it's unfortunate that it wasn't too creamy!

  22. This looks incredible! I think a cream cheese filling would be wonderful too.

  23. A gorgeous peace offering! You are dolcissima! I hope if I try the recipe that my bread will look as beautiful as yours! Un bacione:)

  24. What a beautiful loaf of bread! The coffee cream filling sounds absolutely divine! I'd forget all about my bad day after a piece of this!

  25. What a gorgeous braid! I always get intimidated by bread braids. Don't know why. Such a beautiful bread. You did great. And I agree. Nothing patches things up like homemade sweets. So glad you had fun at the festival!

  26. What a stunning bread! You got me at coffee cream - this looks so tasty. Wish I had a bite right now. I am archiving this recipe to make over the holidays. Thank you for sharing!

  27. Gorgeous! Love yeasted breads will be great with my tea! Shulie

  28. This looks delicious! I think I just might have to make this braided sweet bread to have Christmas morning. Thank you for the great idea!


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