
November 18, 2010

Pear crisp or pear crumble?

One thing inspired this recipe, actually two. Two simple and beautiful things: a pear and some amazing granola! Oh yes, that’s all it takes to make something beautiful and delicious!

Those who were at the Foodbuzz Festival might recognize the culprits.

At the very beginning of the Tasting Pavillon, we were presented with a bag from one of the sponsors (Frog Hollow Farm) that contained a pear and a bag of granola. I wanted to put both to good use and I decided to make something that would recall the simplicity of these two ingredients. I decided for a crisp. Actually, in my mind the image of this dessert was formed well before I could give it a name. And that’s because, to be honest, I had no idea what the difference between a crisp and a crumble was until a week ago (when I made this recipe….I just did not have time to blog about it!)

Admitting my ignorance, I looked around for a description of both a crisp and a cobbler and of the difference between the two desserts. In a nutshell, for a crisp, you mix the fruit (any type, really! You know how much I love versatility!) with sugar and spices (optional) and you top with a mix. The mix always has butter and sugar and something to bind them, such as flour and/or oatmeal. A crumble is essentially the same in terms of the filling but you top it with a streusel, which is a mix of butter, sugar, flour and chopped nuts. The difference is mainly in the texture of the topping. [Main source: Dorie Greenspan “Baking From my Home to Yours”]

According to the description, what I made was a crisp. And this is what happened to it in 5 minutes!

Pear granola Grand Marnier crisp
Yields two individual crisps

For the topping
70 gr (2.5 oz or 1/2 cup) all-purpose flour
227 gr (8 oz) granola
57 gr (2 oz or 1/4 cup) brown sugar
30 gr (2 tbsp or ¼ cup) unsalted butter, melted and cooled
one pinch salt

For the filling
57 gr (2 tbsp or 1/4 cup) unsalted butter, melted and cooled
55 gr (1.0 oz or 1/4 cup) brown sugar
12 gr (1 tbsp) granulated sugar
12 gr (1 tbsp) all-purpose flour
a pinch of salt
2 pears, peeled and coarsely chopped
1 tsp Grand Marnier

To make the topping

In a medium bowl, quickly mix together the flour, the granola, the brown sugar, the butter, and the salt just until all the ingredients are well incorporated. Cover with plastic wrap and let it chill for at least 1 hour. [I actually let it in the fridge overnight because I did not have time to bake the crisp that same day and everything went fine].

To make the filling and baking

Preheat the oven to 425F degrees.

In a medium bowl, stir together the sugars, the flour, and a pinch of salt. Add the pears and the Grand Marnier and toss to combine.

Toss butter with pear mixture and mix well.

Spoon the filling into two ramekins and sprinkle with the topping.

Bake for about 40-45 minute depending on the oven. When they are ready, let them cool on a cooling rack.

Optional: spread with confectioners’ sugar before serving.

Have a sweet day!

Pear Grand Marnier Crisp on Foodista


  1. This sounds amazing, granola & pears, yum!
    Just add some a hot chocolate sauce and I'm in heaven!! By the way I call it crumble...ha!

  2. Interesting...I don't even think I realized there was a difference before I read this! I wish Bosc pears were in season all year long...they are my favourite fruit/treat/snack ever! Yummy yummy:-)

  3. Delicious! I've never made a pear crisp...this must change. ;) Wonderful use of granola in the topping.

  4. Crisp, crumble, call it whatever you like, it looks delicious!

  5. whatever you call it, I'm calling it delicious!!
    I love crisps and crumbles!!!! I usually make apple, but pear sounds delightful.
    Thank you for another memory of the festival!
    Have a happy weekend my friend

  6. That looks delicious. I loved it when it was pear and granola and then saw the Grand Marnier and was in heaven! Great job.

  7. Only you would be able to create something delicious like these out of our swag. It never even occurred to me to put those two together to make something. Crisp or crumble...may I have some?

  8. @Liana @Caroly @The Chef: The only reason why I looked into the difference between a crisp and a cruble is because I was looking for a recipe and I thought "wait, what should I be looking for?" Then I made my own recipe so it didn't matter. I should have just called it pear deliciousness!
    @Christiane: at the first bite you think "Where is the...(pause)" and at the second bite "ohhhh the Grand Marnier!". One teaspoon was all it took but it was worth it. I totally gave a wonderful twist to the flavor of this crisp
    @Natalie: I'm there with the hot chocolate (maybe white for a non-chocolate lover like me) totally fitting with the grand marnier and the pears
    @Briarrose: I had never made one before and now I think I was crazy 'cause they are so easy to make and to personalize. You can really throw any fruit in the filling and go wild with the topping!

  9. Jean: I need to make a baking party at my new home :)

  10. A crisp a crumble...all I want is a bite, wait a bowl of it. Looks amazing and how awesome you actually took those ingredients and made something with it. Kudos to you lady for a job well done (=

  11. It's so funny. I made a crisp not that long ago and I was scratching my head asking the same questions. I knew a crisp was a little lighter but didn't know the specifics. Thanks reiterating that point. Looks delicious! Love the Gran Marnier touch!

  12. You were at FB Festival! I'm jealous :) Oh I didn't know the difference between crisp and crumble until now haha. Thanks for doing a research! This looks delicious and with a rush in life nowadays it's perfect for a busy life. Love the Gran Marnier touch too!

  13. It doesn't really matter if it's technically a crisp or a crumble...all that matters is that it tastes good. And by the looks of it, it seems it tasted amazing!

  14. What a cute little one-pear crisp! The simplest ingredients really do make the best desserts!

  15. This crisp looks gorgeous! It's so nice to finally know the difference, although both taste delicious no matter what they're called. :D

  16. How funny in Australia the definitions of crisp and crumble are exactly opposite. Crumbles are sugar/oatmeal or flour/butter mixtures on top of fruit. Your final product looks wonderful and I looked at your profile in the Daring Kitchen and I hope your new lifestyle in the Bay area works out for you. Excellent work on this. Cheers from Audax in Sydney Australia.

  17. I'm a BIG crumble and crisp fan. Love the addition of grand mariner - I have some Mexican controy that I'll spike my next crumble with. Thanks for sharing. :)

  18. @Audax: so funny! Well, the important thing, as many said, is that it was super delicious. It's also funny that I was looking at your profile in the DK website yesterday too! You are always the first one in getting to finish the challenges....I envy your skills :)
    @Patty; controy....totally go for it!! it's a great idea!

  19. Whatever its called. i think that everyone should make this! Especially me!


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