
January 27, 2011

How I failed the Daring Bakers Challenge: Biscuit Joconde Imprime/Entremet

The January 2011 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Astheroshe of the blog accro. She chose to challenge everyone to make a Biscuit Joconde Imprime to wrap around an Entremets dessert.

I was so excited about this challenge. And I still am! I still am because I miserably failed it but I won’t let this discourage me. I will try again and again until I get it right.

I had big plans for this cake. You see, in a few days it will be Wally’s birthday. And when I saw that this month challenge was to make a Joconde imprime to be transformed into an entremet I immediately got excited. I wanted to make this for Wally’s birthday, with musical notes as pattern of the joconde imprime and with ice-cream as filling of the entremet (he asked me for a cake that fit well with ice-cream).

The part that scared me the most was to make the Joconde imprime. I’m not a good decorator so I was nervous about making a pattern pretty enough to be the exterior of the cake. This part did not end up being a total disaster. Yes, I totally forgot that I need to draw the notes reversed so that they would appear straight once the Joconde was baked and reversed to be the exterior of the cake (silly me!) but aside from that I was pretty successful in making the drawing.

So, what went really wrong? Well, the Joconde after being baked and cooled was so moist that it kept breaking down into pieces as soon as I was touching it. There was no way I could use that Joconde to assemble an entremet. Nevertheless, I had it there, lying on my kitchen counter, it tasted decent (well, at least as soon as it got out of the oven, aftewards it really was not good!)….I thought it was too bad to waste it and I still wanted to try to complete the challenge.

I tried to assemble the entremet. I made one layer of vanilla ice-cream, I spread over the pieces of the broken up joconde and then I spread a layer of mint-chocolate-chip ice-cream (hey, the ice-cream choice was Wally’s!). At that point I saw that I really could not go on with that cake! It was a real mess. It was not going to stand. I was all breaking up! I stopped there. I did not even try to finish the entremet by topping it with something good. It would have been a total waste.

I will sure be trying this again because you can do amazing desserts with the tools learned in this challenge but I really need to find a different recipe for the Joconde. If anyone has a good recipe, please let me know!

But you should still check out the Daring Bakers website for all the wonderful creations other bloggers were able to accomplish!

Have a sweet day!


  1. Oh well, it still looks delicious, and that's what matters most! :)

  2. It took me a bit longer to read because I had to Google "Joconde" and "Entremet". :-)

    You did a wonderful job on the music notes, I thought. And you haven't actually failed because you're determined to try again. Next time, I'm sure it will be even better. It looked tasty to me!

  3. I'm impressed you are adventurous enough to try Daring Bakers. I've thought about it and chickened out.
    That "fail" still looks good to me. I liked the backwards music notes. Some people wouldn't even know they are reversed. That mint chocolate chip just looks good. I could have it for breakfast. Right. Now.

  4. Sara non ti scoraggiare e riprovalo subito!!! Le notine ti sono venute benissimo, è un vero peccato che il resto fosse così umido...forse doveva stare di più in forno?
    Io ho modificato un pò la ricetta e con quella viene bene di sicuro, provala, dovrebbe venire un buon risultato! Se non la vuoi al cacao ma bianca, aumenta la farina a 35 gr e togli il cacao.
    Peccatissimo però :-( ma Wally ha fatto già il compleanno o ancora no? Se no, fai questa prova, lo vedo bene come sapore con il gelato!
    Tanti bacioni

  5. Your failure looks like my dream win! It still looks so perfect and delicious for me :)

  6. Even though you had a rough time trying this I think you are to be commended! #1 I don't know if I could ever try something like this, if I'm too scared I usually don't go for it. But you did! #2 even though you had some mis-haps you still want to give it another go. That shows that you are willing to learn and won't go down wih out a fight. Plus, if you would have never said this was a failure, I woul never have known, because your pictures look great!

  7. This was a tricky challenge, it took me all week to complete! Nice effort, hopefully next month with be something easy, like Bake a sheet cake. :)

  8. Thank you all for the nice comments! I sure have to try this again. Ago, I will definitely try to follow your tips!

  9. It still looks delicious! I wimped out and took an easier route but I am determined to try the full thing sometime soon - I am always up for a challenge!

  10. Sometimes I think failures are what motivates us even more, I'm sure the next time you make this (and I know you will), it will be amazing! I'm sure it still tasted great!
    I wouldn't have known where to begin with this creation....
    Have a great day!

  11. at least you tried I fail in the kitchen sometimes but try again
    today there were lots of recipes I have seen for this challenge take a look
    have a good day

  12. I was just researching Joconde the other day. Despite your mishaps, I'm really impressed and am confident you will conquer the technique!


  13. I agree with everyone else it still looks good, and kudos for trying!

  14. Awesome, I didnt even try this busy - I am glad you will keep at it and I think you did great.

  15. I think a challenge isn't failed by not completing, but by not trying. This looks great!

  16. Well it still sounds great and it looks good to me!

    I just failed at something I make on a weekly basis - sorbet!! How did I do that? :) It happens (shrug).

  17. Bravo to you for giving this a go and sharing it with us. I saw music notes as soon as I looked at the picture so at least that part worked, even if they were backwards. I think it's gorgeous. I'll eat it any day.

  18. I bet it tated great. And I am sure your next attempt will be a winner!

  19. I feel your pain! I participated in the challenge as well and my first go round was less than desired and my second go round was great but I erased my photos - AARRGH!

    Happy Baking!

  20. You are to be commended for even trying. I. too had to google joconde and imprimr/entremet. At least you tried, and next time you'll succeed!

  21. I'm with you on this challenge--that cake was hard! Still, it is nice to really be challenged by something. Kudos for keeping your chin up and deciding to try it again! I'm sure it'll be beautiful!

  22. brave enough to post your accidents. proud of u. i ended up throwing mine out from embarrassment and frustration. now i wish i didnt.

    your filling looks amazing

  23. You did a TERRIFIC job on the joconde imprime (whatever that is, haha!), I love the music notes! It's unfortunate that every cooking experiment doesn't turn out just the way we want it, but you've got the right attitude! Can't wait to see your success!

  24. I give anyone that even attempted this challenge an A+. It was difficult. The directions were a bit confusing, and it wasn't like we were in a baking class setting where we could watch and learn. Heck, I'm still having trouble figuring out what all the French names mean :) Great job!

  25. Okay, I had no idea what either of the words were. But I would have eaten it anyways. I thought they looked like notes. Maybe as soon as I figure out what it is, maybe I could figure out how to make it. I bet Wally liked it anyways. Have a great weekend.

  26. Ciao Sara-sembra buonissima lo stesso! I didn't even attempt to make. My heart wasn't in least you did. And I'm sure the next time will be incredible:)

  27. mine was a disaster too but that motivated me to give it another try and yesterday made it my way and i think i did a pretty good job.
    i hope next time it turns out the way you want it.
    Have a wonderful Friday Sara

  28. I think you did a lovely job of the joconde, and it's all in the name of learning, right? This must have been a great learning experience!

  29. Kudos for trying and failing that's how we learn best in the end so your effort was not wasted:-)

  30. You are so brave! I don't know what many of these terms mean so you already win points. And really, even if you fail, you get to make more delicious dessert so really, it's a win! :)

  31. You have the most beautiful blog! I really enjoy reading, and am now following :)

  32. wow, this doesn't look like a failure at all. maybe you just photographed it at the right time ;) but i can see how the ice cream filling would be a disaster in like two minutes. your jaconde looks like it's almost there. the design is perfect, you just probably need to tweak one part of the ingredient list so that it won't break apart.

  33. This month's was definitely a challenge, so I wouldn't consider it a fail! And hey, ice cream makes everything better, right? I hope you try this one again at some point, because I think you could really make it awesome!

  34. I think your design looks lovely! It doesn't matter if it's backwards...we are too hard on our own creations sometimes. :)
    At least you completed the challenge in true Daring Baker form.

  35. I didn't even get a chance to get started with mine... so yours is an accomplishment in it self. Can't wait to see your next attempt! XOXO

  36. Half of the trouble I have when I fail at recipes is pin-pointing my mistake. I'd call yours a success just based on your ability to recognize your error. And, I think we're always too hard on ourselves. It looks great to me!

  37. Ha! I went with a total abstract design on mine, but I think yours, even if you think it's a "fail" looks fantastic. I love your attitude of making it again and again until you get it. The notes on the sponge are awesome though.

    I will say that I think baking the sponge until it's just set helped me. I noticed my sponge started to crack when I used a strip closer to the edge (more well done). I recut a strip closer to the middle and it was more flexible (and also a little thicker). That helped with the bending. Good luck!

  38. This dessert looks insanely complex from the other DB posts Ive seen. I love that you posted this even though it didn't turn out as planned. It always helps everyone to remember none of us get it right all of the time. I still want a slice though with layers of vanilla and mint chocolate chip - my favorite!!

  39. Too bad it didn't work out, but the exterior really is beautiful!

  40. I really wanted to do this challenge but didn't have the time. Your's looks great. It's too bad it didn't hold together, it would have made a great birthday cake!


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