
March 27, 2011

Yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake for March Daring Bakers’ Challenge

I was looking forward to tackle this month DB Challenge. I knew this weekend was going to be the first weekend in a long time free from midterms, homework, seminars, and meetings. I knew I would have had the tranquility and time that this challenge deserved. I loved loved loved spending my weekend with la main à la pâte working with yeast. I really needed some soothing and relaxing kneading time. In fact, this month’s challenge was all about yeast! Yuhuuu!

The March 2011 Daring Baker’s Challenge was hosted by Ria of Ria’s Collection and Jamie of Life’s a Feast. Ria and Jamie challenged The Daring Bakers to bake a yeasted Meringue Coffee Cake.

You should really go and look at all the wonderful creations that we will have today on the blogsphere thanks to this challenge. You should also go and look at the full recipe at the Daring Kitchen’s website. I followed Jamie’s version of the recipe for the filling, the one with walnuts, sugar, cinnamon and chocolate chips.

Wally and I don’t like meringue at all so I did not spread too much meringue on the inside. In this way the meringue flavor was not too strong and the result was that we both loved this cake. But what I truly truly truly loved was the cake itself. The dough was so much fun and so easy to make that even those who are scared of yeast should try it. Once baked, you get a pillow-soft, semi-sweet dough that is going to make you fall in love with it at the first bite. The recipe is definitely a keeper to be used with any filling that can come up to your mind (read “nutella” for me J )

Have a sweet day!


  1. Sara, what a beautiful coffee cake. I was contemplating making one for guests coming over tonight but I couldn't decide on a recipe. If you say you like this then I think I'd like it, too.

    So glad you had some time to relax and unwind for a change. It's been crazy busy around here, too. Now I'm sitting here thinking of fun stuff to bake. Wishing I had a slice of this cake with my tea now. :-)

  2. MM!! I've seen a couple of these yeasted meringue cakes in my travels today. Not something I've really heard of, but I'm loving them. Yours is just beautiful, the shape worked well (I don't always have that skill.) Love the filling!!

  3. This is a beautiful coffee cake, Sara!
    Isn't that the best thing about making your own creations at home? You really can tweek things to satisfy YOUR tastes. :) If there's something you don't like you can leave it out or use less, or vice versa.
    Have a beautiful sunday, Sara!

  4. Your coffee cake is beautiful, it looks so good! I love working with yeast breads too. :)

  5. This cake look so beautiful, I could eat it in a heart beat! Wonderful combo and photos are stunning!

  6. I agree...such a marvelous dough. I think I'll make a batch of cinnamon rolls with it next weekend :) Your coffee cake looks fabulous...especially that last photo! YUM!

  7. Great minds - I think it would be great with Nutella too! Am looking forward to trying this recipe again with more confidence! Well done :)

  8. I loved working with this dough. Your coffee cake looks perfect, I sprinkled with a little demerara sugar but next time I'll try powdered sugar, looks so festive!

  9. Sara,
    Couldn't find your email. Just wanted to let you know that you won my cookbook giveaway, my friend! I'd like to send you Michael Chiarello's Bottega cookbook so please email me. :-)

  10. Looks great! This was my first DB challenege, and one of the first times I've worked with yeast. Your coffee cake looks delicious, I look forward to seeing what you come up with in the next DB challenge too :)

  11. What a beautiful post! Thank you for sharing!

  12. Sara, there is such a contentedness in you when you talk about baking with yeast breads. I can feel it through the computer. If you bring this coffee cake with you, I will make the beer-cheese fondue and have it waiting when you get off the plane!

  13. This looks really, really great Sara! I wonder if you could just eliminate the meringue completly? I'll have to give this a shot, it's making my mouth water!

  14. Your coffee cake came out so well! It looks amazingly fluffy! Great job on this challenge!

  15. Your cake is stunning!

    I absolutely love the fluffy, stuffed center - I'm seriously drooling!!

    And what a cute tablecloth/placemat!

  16. What a beautiful coffee cake. The meringue filling is very unusual.

  17. You did an awesome job with this challeng. Beautiful coffee cake. I'd love a slice!

  18. This looks so good.

    Found your blog through a mutual & glad I did. Looking forward to seeing more.

    Check out my blog @

  19. Wasnt this just another wonderful recipe from DB? I was so happy with the result.. yours looks delicious! Hope all is well- I feel like we haven't caught up in so long!!

  20. Ciao Sara! Your coffee cake turned out beautiful! I was not sure about the meringue...but I want to tell you i used the full amount and I didn't notice its flavor. :) I like Lizzy's idea to male cinnamon rolls with the dough!

  21. What a pretty coffee cake you made! All nice and plump. I can imagine it was a big hit. I am sure I will make it again.

  22. I've seen several versions of this cake and have to did a great job! A lot of participants revised the recipe and I've been dying to see someone not do that; the ingredients sound perfect to me.

  23. Sara, you coffee cake looks delicious and I love the flavor combination of the filling! Wish I had a piece right now with my cappuccino :o)

  24. Hi Sara: Good to hear that you had some R&R time this last weekend and Congrats on winning Jean's giveaway and on a DB Challenge - beautifully done. =)

  25. I've seen quite a lot of these coffee cakes lately and yours is the most beautiful one.
    As you know I made mine with Nutella and turned out delicious. Hope you'll give it a try as I will to make a wreath and not cut it into rolls again :)

    have a wonderful day Sara

  26. Wow - yours turned out beautifully - so envious because mine was a total disaster. I can at least live vicariously through people like you!

  27. this looks superb and looks beautiful

  28. I live vicariously through all you fabulous bakers, too. Your coffee cake looks gorgeous to me - love the shape and how the filling peaks out. Glad you had a weekend of R&R and kneading time :)

  29. Sheesh, the older I get, the worse my spelling gets! That should be "peeks" out! G'night!


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