
May 02, 2011

Pebble Beach Wine and Food Festival: not to be missed

Thanks to Foodbuzz I got two tickets to go to the Pebble Beach Wine and Food Festival last Sunday. Oh yeah, I was there! And I loved it! I loved that huge pavillon filled with delicious food and an amazing wine selection. I love meeting up, even if just briefly, with some of the bloggers I got to know along the way in my first year or so of blogging. Some of them, I had met them already at Foodbuzz festival (Jean @Lemons and Anchovies, Azmina @Lawyer Loves Lunch), others I had “met” already on the blogosphere but not yet in person and I was so excited to finally meet them (Lisa @Authentic Suburban Gourmet and Liren @Kitchen Confidante). I have missed many others, I know….but I know they were there and I am so happy for them because it was truly a great event.

For once, I did not take the pictures. This time Wally came with me and I left him take up the role of the photographer (and on this note…sorry if some of the pictures are not great). And if it is true that a picture is worth a thousands words, I’ll leave you with just a few of them. Make sure you check out other bloggers’ posts about them event. I’ve seen amazing foodies at work that day. I’m sure they will amaze you with wonderful pictures and food descriptions…much more professional than mine.

I promise I have many more and they will come as soon as I have time to go through them but I wanted at least give you a taste of what that amazing afternoon was :)


  1. Those smores were amazing weren't they. I'm so sorry I missed you, I saw all the others, don't know how I could have missed you. So glad you went and had a good time.

  2. Sara - SO great to meet you in person! Sounds like you had a great time, as did we. The food and wine was all amazing! We got a photo with Tyler Florence which was a highlight. Working on my posts and will be out either today or tomorrow! Nice to meet Wally too! :)

  3. Ohhhhh, so that's how you got to meet everyone. I thought ya'll just got together over there on the wrong coast. :)

  4. Sara, it was soooo nice to see you and to finally meet Wally. We really do need to get together more often. I'm sorry that we never reconnected after we separated. I hope we are able to see each other soon! :-)

  5. Sara, I just wanted to say how happy I was to finally meet you! You have such an effervescent personality, and I loved getting a chance to chat in person! Next time, we must have a get together so we can enjoy each other's company longer!

  6. Lucky girl! I got to go to the South Beach festival a couple years back and it was an amazing experience.

  7. So good to see you again! It's a shame we live so close and it takes giant food events so we can hang out :) Brunch soon!

  8. Welcome back! What fun!!! Thank you for your kind kind words about my pics over at Chef Dennis'. That means so much to me. Happy Mother's Day to you! ♥- Katrina

  9. Very cool.... and sometimes it is nice not to be strapped to the camera (or have it strapped to you!). Glad you enjoyed yourself!

  10. Jealous! How fabulous that you were able to go to PB W&F and see Jean and Azmina and meet Liren & Lisa! I've got to start doing more with FB. So glad that you and Wally were able to partake :)


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