
May 30, 2011

Poppy seeds Pound Cake and a missed Food Bloggers Brunch

Yesterday I was supposed to be at an amazing brunch with some amazing food bloggers of the Bay Area. Jean @Lemons and Anchovies was hosting it. That alone says how amazing the brunch was going to be. Many more amazing food bloggers joined, bringing a dish for the brunch and something else for a food swap. I was supposed to be one of the lucky ones to be there yesterday. But it did not happen. After 15 minutes on the car we stopped to get gas and….the car never started again! The battery was gone, finished, kaput! AAA arrived over 2 hours later to give us a jump start. At that point it was late, we still had 45 minutes to drive to get there and the frosting on my pound cake was totally melting. And we were totally bummed!

Waiting for AAA and seeing how things were going, Wally and I got hungry and we attacked the cookies I had made for the food swap. Well…at that point somebody had to eat all the sweets we had in the car, right? We sacrificed ourselves. That was the only way to cheer myself up for missing the brunch L
I hope another brunch will happen soon. In the meantime, I would like to share the poppy seeds pound cake that I had made to share with the other bloggers. Because it is an amazing pound cake. Because we (Wally and I) think it’s the best pound cake we have ever had. It’s not too sweet, which makes it perfect for a breakfast treat without getting into sugar high. Because you can make it with or without frosting and it is still going to be just perfect for any occasion. Because it’s simple to make yet so different from other pound cakes I had before. I hope I will be able to share this pound cake at the next bloggers brunch. Because, oh yeah…there will be other brunches.

Poppy Seeds Pound Cake
Yields 14 to 16 servings

230 g (2 sticks or 1 cup) butter, softened
240 g (8.6 oz or 1 cup) sour cream
300 g (10.65 oz or 1 1/2 cups) sugar
320 g (6.75 oz or 2 1/2 cups) all-purpose flour
1 can Solo Baker Poppy filling*
5 g (1 tsp) baking soda
4 eggs, separated
5 g (1 tsp) salt
5 ml (1 tsp) vanilla

confectioners’ sugar or lemon frosting

*NOTE: I was not sponsored or paid by Solo company for this post. I just love Solo brand for poppy seeds because they are really moist and make this pound cake amazingly fluffy and moist.

Preheat the oven to 350° F. Grease and flour a 12-cup Bundt pan and set aside.

Beat the butter and the sugar in large bowl with electric mixer until light and fluffy. Add the poppy filling and beat until blended. Beat in egg yolks, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add the vanilla and the sour cream and beat just until blended.

Stir the flour, the baking soda and the salt until mixed, and add to the poppy mixture gradually, beating well after each addition.

Beat the egg whites in separate bowl with electric mixer until stiff peaks form. Fold the beaten egg whites into the batter.

Spread the batter evenly in the prepared pan. Bake for 55 to 65 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.

Cool in the pan on wire rack 10 minutes. Remove from pan and cool completely on rack. Dust with confectioners sugar or with a light lemon glaze.

Have a sweet day!

Source: Solo


  1. Sara - so sorry we missed you yesterday! I hope that your car is on the mend. The bundt cake you made looks simply amazing. Have a wonderful Monday! :)

  2. This sounds fabulous Sara! I've been a little MIA from the blogsphere myself, but this was a lovely dish to come back and see :) I was actually thinking about making lemon poppy seed coffee cake this weekend and your pound cake makes me really wish I had!

  3. Sara, I was so sad to not see you. The food was all so good, not rubbing it in. That cake would have been a wonderful addition. We will have to do it again it was so fun. I'll be hosting a macaron making party soon, you will be invited for sure. Hope the rest of your weekend was better.

  4. Sorry you missed it, but that cake looks perfect. So moist and lovely!

  5. I hate when stuff like that happens, how sad to miss that! Lovey textured cake, yum.

  6. If it makes you feel any better, not only did I miss it, I wasn't invited. :)

    That cake looks amazing, my friend. I love pound cakes (especially for breakfast). Just make sure you don't get stopped by the police or drug tested by your preschool now. with all those poppy seeds in you, wow.

  7. Beautiful cake! I'd love a few slices, please :) I'm so sorry you missed the brunch...what a fun opportunity, but I'm sure you'll have more gatherings...

  8. Hi Sara, I'm so sorry you missed the brunch, I was looking forward to meeting you. I'm also sorry I didn't have the opportunity to try your wonderful cake, it looks so good. Hopefully next time I'll meet you, Patty

  9. This cake looks scrumptious! I always love incorporating poppy seeds into something and now I know what I'm making with them next.

    Sorry to hear about your car fiasco. It always seems to happen just before something potentially super delicious.

  10. Sorry you missed your brunch. That cake looks wonderful.

  11. Oh sorry that you missed your brunch, but I am sure that you will have more to come!:) Your pound cake look fantastic and very tasty!!!

  12. What a gorgeous poppyseed cake! I wish I had a slice right now. :)

  13. Oh no! I am sorry about the car and the missed brunch. The poppy seed pound cake looks wonderful, the other bloggers missed out not having you there!

  14. What a bummer that you couldn't make it to the brunch! I'm sure there will be plenty more to make up for it! Lovely cake, though!

  15. Oh man what a time for the car to stop functioning...though that never is a fun experience. ;) At least there was comfort food immediately on hand. Gorgeous pound cake.

  16. Buona la torta coi semi di papavero! Well I am sure the blogger are very sad about not getting the cake, while Wally is probably very happy, that he had more for him!

  17. this looks fabulous lovely with the icing delicious

  18. Ohhh I am so sorry about your car :( I would have been furious!

    Your cake looks amazing! I especially like that you included poppy seeds...yum. :)

  19. It's so wonderful that the Bay Area bloggers have developed such a close-knit community and that Jean hosted a brunch just to get together - she is one of the most genuine people I've met through blogging - along with Lisa, Liren, and Gina. There will be another time - I hope to get together with some of you when I'm in Napa in October :) In the meantime, your poppy seed pound cake looks amazing. I've never tried Solo, but will have to since I'm so fond of poppy seeds :)

  20. Hi Sara
    sorry to hear you missed the meetup, it would have been fun! Your cake of course is gorgeous and I'm sure delicious, and its nice to see that foodbuzz agrees!! Congras on your top 9 today!

  21. Aw that's too bad Sara but I am sure there will be another time. In the meantime this looks amazing - I could use a slice for breakfast - and congrats on Top 9!

  22. Sara, sorry to hear you've missed the brunch, then again, there could be worst things in life then being stuck with all of this beautiful cake, right? Congrats with top 9 :)

  23. I've got to try this, it sounds great!

  24. Too bad about the brunch, but this cake looks as if it could make everything better! :)

  25. That's too bad about missing the brunch - - it sounds like it would have been fun! This cake looks awesome, and the group at the brunch is going to be sorry they missed it!

  26. Cars can be so unreliable sometimes! I swear, mine always breaks at just the right time! This cake looks fantastic...any excuse to eat cake for breakfast makes me happy :)

  27. Hi Sara, so sorry to hear you missed the brunch. I hope you'll make it to the next one.
    The cake sounds great, I love the Solo poppy seed filling too, I think they make the best fillings.

    Thanks for sharing this delicious recipe, hope you'll get some free time now that the summer vacation is here.

  28. Oh Sara! I'm sorry you missed that brunch.

    This poppy seed poundcake looks like a true palate prize. Absolutely gorgeous and I can tell it was delicious!

    Have a great weekend! =)

  29. Sara that sounds like such an unfortunate turn of events - sort of like whatever could go wrong, did go wrong! :( At least you had fantastic sweets to tide you over... And I am sure you will make it safe and sound to the next blogger lunch!

  30. You've got mad baking skills! That is one gorgeous, poppy seed pound cake bundt, and I've looked through a few pages and am blown away by all of your goodies! Great photos too!

    Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my partially disasterous entremets! Glad to have foundd your blog through it!

  31. Sara, where have I been? I missed this post!

    I was so disappointed that you couldn't make it but definitely there'll be another brunch. I can't believe you had to wait that long before AAA showed up but at least you had some goodies for sustenance. :-)

    I came so close to enjoying one of your creations--darn! :-) After seeing these pictures I want the pound cake even more. Next time, for sure. :-)

    Enjoy the rest of your week!

  32. this looks amazing! wish i had a slice of this right now. thank you for sharing this.

  33. Poor you!! At least you had a good cake to cheer you up:)
    I am sure the other bloggers wouldn't mind, and I think with such an amazing poppy seed pound cake, I don't think you're getting away with serving anything else in the next gathering:P

  34. I've SO been there... Yep, we've waited hours for a jump too. So sorry, Sara. What a bummer.
    You are a true foodie to sacrifice yourself with the cookies!! And the cake, it's just what my husband would like. He loves poppy seeds, and I've just realized I haven't used them in years!
    Wish I was up there with you guys, you always have so many fun things planned!

  35. So sorry you had to miss out. Food blogger meets are a LOT of fun. Next time I know you'll be extra cautious!

    The cake looks delicious. And you had cookies to cheer you up :)

  36. What a lovely cake! I'd have been bummed too. Getting together with other bloggers really helps everyone move forward with new ideas. There's always a next time!


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