
June 29, 2011

Closed for Summer Holidays!

I'm leaving tomorrow morning. I am going to Italy to see my family. Don't envy me. I don't envy myself :) Going to Italy is always a little bit of a tragedy (although I always end up having fun!) and this time my schedule is already so full that I know I will have no time for blogging. I will miss blogging. And I will miss Wally (who is not coming with me) and my kitties. And I will miss you all!

I'm not staying long but I will come back with my mamma, who will be staying with us for 5 weeks. We will be travelling so, once again, I won't be blogging much. This is the first time I take such a long break from blogging. It will feel weird. It will also feel good. I have been a little demotivated lately and finding the time to blog has been really hard. I think a holiday will do me good. 

In the meantime I will try to keep reading all you because I need my daily doses of food blogging reading :)

Happy summer to everybody!


  1. Sara, I already envy you. I'm going to see my family in two months too. I can't wait!!!

    Wish a wonderful time! Enjoy every minute with your family! And take lots of photos!!
    I'll miss reading Caffeina!

  2. Sara,

    Enjoy the time away, you will come back refreshed I'm sure. I'll miss your sweets, but you will be having a wonderful time with Family and Friends.

    I won't envy you (okay, that is a lie!), just promise you will bring back photos of home for us to all enjoy.

    I already miss you, sniff, sniff.


  3. Well, I'm envious anyway. I'd rather go to Italy than almost anywhere else in the world. Safe travels--looking forward to hearing about your trip when you return. :-)

  4. It would be impossible to not envy you! Someday I will make it to Italy...someday! HAVE A BLAST!!

  5. Safe travels and have a wonderful trip! I will miss your posts, but am already looking forward to the details of Italy :)

  6. Sara have a wonderful summer - I look forward to reading about it soon on your blog! Come back refreshed and with renewed writing vigor!

  7. Have a wonderful summer, Sara. Can't wait to hear all about it :D

  8. Sara, wishes for a safe and wonderful trip. I had to laugh at the "don't envy me" comment... I've SO been there! Can't wait to read about it when you get home. Take pictures for us!!!

  9. We'll miss you, Sara. Have a good time!

  10. Have a fabulous trip, Sara! We'll all still be here when you get back :) I hope you come back inspired and with lots of gorgeous photos for us.

  11. Have a wonderful trip Sara, keep safe and take lots of pictures!!

  12. Sara! I hope your trip went smoothly and have a blast traveling with you mum!

  13. I miss you. When are you coming back?? I know you're in the U.S. again. I mean back HERE.

  14. Hey Sara...I've tagged you in the 7 Links topic that many bloggers are doing. That means you need to come back at least once. (I miss you).

  15. Just checking to see if you're back! I love the idea of leaving a "closed" sign on your blog...and just enjoying your holiday. I hope I remember this next summer :)

  16. hi Sara hope you are enjoying the holidays thank you for visiting :)
    regards Akheela

  17. I hope you are having a lovely time. :)

  18. Hi Sweet Sara, I hope dearly you are going to share your summer with us and that you are going to the festival in Nov.! I missed reading you. Hope your summer was fantastic.

  19. I hope you had a great break away from blogging! Thanks for visiting my site, hope you find your blogging mojo back soon. :-)


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