
December 15, 2010

Thank you cookies, neighbor exchange cookies and just cookies

I fully recovered from my rough week, finally! I’m going through the last week of teaching of the year, which, as always, is a nightmare but still I’m in great mood in expectation of the holidays! I have also received two awards.

The first, from the amazing Lora from Cake Duchess

And the second, from the fantastic Lindsey from Gingerbread Bagels

Thank you ladies for the fantastic awards!

But this is not it. On Saturday afternoon, the doorbell rang and the hideous lady that usually brings the mail looked totally different in that moment (she really is hideous!). She was handing over to me a box. I knew what it was going to be. And for once I did not even notice how annoying that lady is. I totally focused on the box and I started to jump around the house like a rabbit!

You see, last week I was the lucky winner of Josie’s (Daydreamer Desserts) giveaway. The prize was a wonderful cookie press and I couldn’t be more excited to win it, not for one, not for two but for three reasons! First, I never ever ever won anything. And I keep entering giveaways, just for fun, just because I like leaving comments to my fellow bloggers. But I really never won anything…until last week. Now the curse is broken…really broken because the same week I won another giveaway (more on this in another post). Second, I never had a cookie press and I always wanted one! Third, the cookie press arrived just on time for the cookies exchange with my neighbors.

This is what I made them…I really wanted to use my new cookie press J
I tried one of the recipes on the booklet of the cookie press…just to be sure they were the right cookies to be made with a press. The cookies came out amazing, which is good. The sad part is that I did not get to keep these cookies! They all went to my neighbors. And as I am mentioning this, I just wanted to let you know that I am submitting these cookies to Damaris' December cook offs over at Kitchen Corners. The topic of the cook offs this month was in fact "giving cookies". As I did not get to keep these cookies, I guess I qualify for the cook offs. You get the recipe and should also head over at Kitchen Corners to check the other recipes that will be posted by next Sunday. 

Vanilla cookies (Spritz cookies)
Makes about 4 dozen cookies

225 gr (2 sticks, 1 cup) unsalted butter, at room temperature
200 gr (7.1 oz or 1 cup) sugar
1 egg
12 ml (2 ½ tsp) vanilla extract
2 gr (½ tsp) ground cardamon (I did not put it)
2 gr (1/2 tsp) salt
320 gr (11.25 oz or 2 ½ cups) all-purpose flour, sifted
food coloring (optional)

Preheat the oven to 375F degrees.

In a large bowl, combine the butter and the sugar and beat well on medium speed until, until light and fluffy.

Beat in the egg, the vanilla extract, and the salt. Using a spoon or a spatula, stir in the flour until well mixed.

Pack the dough into the cookie press. Fit with the desired disk design (this time I manly used the snowman and the tree). Press the dough out onto ungreased baking sheet, spacing the cookies 1” apart.

Bake for about 12-15 minutes, or until just firm and lightly gold. Transfer the cookies to a cooling rack.

You can store them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 5 days.

Have a sweet day!


  1. Wow! We are totally on the same page Sara, I just post spritz cookies today too!!! :) Aren't they just too fun and easy to make? Love that you tinted some of your dough green for the trees, I will have to try that out next time. your recipe is a bit different from my grandma's with adding vanilla and cardamom, and I want to try that too, I bet I would love it. <3

  2. I love spritz cookies! My mom makes them for me every year :) I really need to buy my own press! I'm almost finished with your box of cookies to be put in the mail!

  3. I have never tried spritz cookies, yet i have an old cookie press in the back of a drawer. My mom found it in a box and didn't know what it was, and so passed it onto me (thanks, Mom :P)
    Maybe something to try next week when things slow down a bit.

  4. Cookie presses are the coolest! Congrats on your win! I've never heard of spritz cookies before, but they look really, really yummy. :D

  5. you are just one lucky girl lately!!! I would buy a couple lottery tickets you never know!
    You certainly deserved the awards, I love your blog!
    Have a happy day my friend and don't OD on cookies!

  6. I see you jumping around like a little girl when the box came. I really do. And yes, you are one of those people who just love to leave comments for others. Congratulations on the awards too. You definitely deserve them both.

    The cookies look wonderful. You're such a good baker and manage to make even a humble spritz cookie look elegant.

  7. I have a cookie press, but my cookies keep flattening! I will give it another try though because I want some of these adorable little cookies. I don't have a snowman shape like you do though, and I think that one's my favorite. A cookie exchange with neighbors sounds so fun... these days i don't think we get to know our neighbrs as well as we should.

  8. My mom always used a cookie press, for some reason we always called it a spritz. LOVED those little butter cookies with sprinkeles on them. When I moved away, I remember asking for a cookie press! We don't have one now, but I'll be Liv would love it too. I had forgotten about it. Love the recipe! I've saved it. Maybe I will have to run out and get her one for Chirstmas!

  9. I've never used a cookie press but really want to get one. I like to make shaped cookies but hate the mess of rolling them out and cutting them with cutters. Your cookies are so darn cute!

  10. First, I am so glad you are feeling better. Second, congrats on winning some giveaways! Funny, I just won two giveaways as well. Third, lovely cookies, just perfect for a cookie exchange.

  11. Just in time for the Holidays. A classic cookie press. Congrats. GREG

  12. I have a cookie press and I can never get the cool shapes like this to come out properly. It seriously drives me crazy. So I'm pretty jealous. I'm also jealous of your cute little cookies. I'm also excited you'll be on twitter more often when school is out! :X

  13. Well deserved awards! And from ladies of great taste. What gorgeous cookies!

  14. You used a cookie press! My mother used to do that every Christmas...sniff, sniff. Alright, THAT'S what I want from Santa!

  15. I used to have a cookie press and when we moved I never found it again! I need another one. These cookies look fabulous!

  16. Those are some lucky neighbours u got. The cookies look perfect. I bet u are having fun with ur new toy!

  17. These look wonderful. Good job, I really want cookie press now.

  18. Ok, so you won the giveaway and you have an award to pick up on my blog. You're just the lucky one! ;)

  19. Congratulations on the awards!! They're both well-deserved. Love the spritz cookies. I remember making some about 20 years ago - they had lemon zest and cream cheese and were fantastic. Now, if I could only remember where the recipe came from I'd send it to you... Happy weekend :-) Kate

  20. Yayyy on your change of luck. I enter most giveaways, rarely ever win anything either :( The cookies look awesome, I really need to get myself a cookie press

  21. Congrats on the awards! Your cookies are beautiful. I'd love to have a cookie press, maybe Santa will bring me one!

  22. You definitely deserve every award that you get, you're truely an amazing blogger! And wow congrats on winning the cookie press, how cool is that?! Your cookies look gorgeous! :) The recipe for the cookies sounds soooo good.

  23. Beautiful cookies and they look just wonderful. It's always fun to give a new kitchen toy a whirl. ;)

  24. I love Spritz cookies- my mom makes them every year with her Mirro cookie press that's over 50 years old. I love your trees- they taste the best, imho! :) I hope you have a very merry Christmas!


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