
December 19, 2010

Pear Trilogy – Part I – Dorie Greenspan’s French Pear Tart

I had a lot of fun with the Nutella Trilogy. It satisfied my endless Nutella cravings and it brought me back to earlier years of my life, with desserts and snacks that I used to have very often (at least much more often than now) when I was still living in Italy.

I had so much fun with the Nutella Trilogy that I decided to make another one. It might actually become a routine for me doing these trilogies. You see? As I said several times, I read an awful amount of blogs. I really don’t know how I keep up but I do read every single word of a post. I don’t comment as often, I know, but I prefer commenting less often but on a post I read entirely than to skim through a post and really not having an idea of what’s written there. Anyway, the point is: I read many, and I get inspired by many more. I truly put many recipes in my wish-to-bake-soon list but then….I forget them there, taken away by the inspiration of the moment. Sometimes I realize that my cravings go in phases. The nutella craving, the dulce de leche craving, the ginger craving. Now I’m in pear craving mood. Well, I know, it’s a good time to be in pear craving mood. I even asked on twitter whether my second trilogy should have been a pear trilogy or a marshmallow trilogy (whole different story there…I’ll leave it for another time). The overwhelming majority says “pears” and so Pear Trilogy it is! (psss, if you wanted a marshmallow trilogy, no worries I’ll make that happen too!)

This week, however, has been a hell of a week (I forecast that, remember? Last week of the school year…I think it was even worse than I thought it could be thank to the crappy weather we have been having). But finally, Saturday, arrived! The only time I had a chance to bake was yesterday. Wally and I had dinner at a friends’ house and, of course, I took charge of the dessert. On top of my wish-to-bake-with-pears list was Dorie Greenspan’s French Pear Tart. I was very scared in making this tart. While I was making the dough it seemed like the crust was going to fail me. What?! Dorie’s recipe failing me? Impossible! In fact, I was wrong and she was right…of course! Otherwise she would not be Dorie!  The crust came out just so so so perfect that it is now my new favorite crust recipe.

Now, this time I have decided not to leave you the recipe here. The truth is that Dorie chose this recipe for the one year anniversary of the Tuesday with Dorie group. She has a very cool post on her blog about this recipe. I could never do better than she did in explaining how to make this wonderful tart. So, please, check out her post for recipe and tips.

And, of course, have a sweet day!


  1. The photo of the crust caught my immediately, it looks amazing. I struggle with pastry, wish I could get mine to look so good. I will definitely head over to Dorie's and pick up a few tips. I love Pears and a pear trilogy is perfect at this time of year. Thank you or sharing!

  2. Oh that tart looks amazing!! And that crust, definitely no fail in sight there! I love that you said you read every word. I do that and can't read as many as a result. But I'm always afraid I will miss something important. Hope the school break will be nice. And though I'm looking forward to Parts 2 and 3, then it'll be bring on the marshmallow trilogy!

  3. Well, just in case I've never told you, I really appreciate your visits to my blog. :-)

    Love Dorie's recipes so I'm sure this one is great, just like the rest. I'll have to check out her post to try my hand at this.

    And speaking of blogger inspiration, I know exactly what you mean. So many bloggers think of dishes that I would never come up with myself. Yes, inspiring, just like your blog. :-)

  4. Reading Jean's post above has spurred me that thank you for visiting my blog as well!! I know I forget to say that sometimes. I have truly enjoyed "meeting" you this year!!

    As for the tart... wow! Just beautiful. That is one of those that belongs in a magazine. I love your trilogies!

  5. Look. At. THAT! All I know is I want it. In my *smile*

  6. I love that you're doing more of these tasty trilogies! I can totally relate to the sudden cravings for different ingredients. The nutella trilogy was awesome, and I get the feeling that pears will be too. :D

  7. You and I have the same strategy about blogs Sara. I tried commenting a lot for a while but I just couldn't keep up. So now I read lots of blogs but try to limit commenting to every once in a while, and usually on posts I find extra inspiring. Like this one! :) Maybe Santa will be nice to me this year and give me this Dorie Greenspan book - I have heard nothing but rave reviews about it. Happy holidays to you, Wally, and your kitties!

  8. How beautiful is this pear tart. I have never tried a pear tart before. It sounds really delicious and comforting. I can't wait to try it :)

  9. What a wonderful idea? Looks so good!

  10. I'm loving your trilogies! Beautiful tart: pear and almonds = yum!

  11. Oh my, this tart does look so amazing. If I could have a piece. I would totally take a slice that has the pear in it! I can't wait to see the other two pear posts that you put up. That's what you mean by trilogy right - that you will be posting three entries that feature the ingredient? That's a super cute idea...

  12. Beautiful tart Sara! Your post cracked me up because I totally do the skim thing sometimes and just comment oh how delicious the dish looks. I totally like the idea of a trilogy as well! I get cravings in spurts too!

  13. I love the trilogies that you're doing. I was SO excited to see a pear trilogy and I'm hoping for even more.
    Your tart is absolutely stunning! I love how the pears are laid out, just gorgeous. Oh it looks SOOOO good! I'm going to have to read Dorie's post. I just love her! :)
    And I can't wait to see what you have coming up next!!

  14. I'd made this tart long ago, before I began blogging and I LOVED it! The tart looks gorgeous. Excited about the new trilogy, but moreso about the marshmallows :)

  15. That's a really great looking tart--it's got a lot of visual interest and you can't even tell it's pears (which is good for people like me who are so-so about pears). I'm curious to see what's coming up next in the series.

    As for your next trilogy, forget the marshmallows--do mint! Or figure out how to make a Skor bar at home so I don't have to.

  16. It's a beautiful tart and you did justice to Dorie's recipe. And I am very glad to see the pear trilogy instead of the marshmallow trilogy. I hope you get a nice long break now and can bake to your heart's content!

  17. toh i m so glad to be back! the tart looks amazing dear. You're lucky you get to read every word of blogs, by the time i read the second or third line my baby will distract me somehow. hehe but i read yours today, and good luck with end of school year and enjoy all the baked goods this holiday!

  18. I love your trilogies. they keep the excitement for the next two. this tart looks very yummy. thanks for sharing.

  19. Wow! I'm not even a big fan of pear but I would LOVE to try that tart! I just discovered your blog and think you're doing a great job! :)

  20. Can't wait to see part 2 and 3 because I am curious as to how you could possibly top this!

  21. Hello guys! Thanks so much for your comments and sorry i was not able to get back to you sooner...I've been away from my blog/twitter/email/computer in these days. I'm glad you like the new trilogy (and yes, Roxane, a trilogy is indeed a series of three posts featuring the same ingredients or the same concept) and to those who would have loved marshmallows: don't give up....It might still come soon :)

  22. Sara, just wanted to stop by and wish you a very Merry Christmas and only the very best in the new year! I'm excited to see what you have in store for 2011 :o)

  23. Ciao Sara
    what a lovely Pear tart!! I just got Dorie's new book and I can't wait to try a few of her recipes!
    I love the idea of a trilogy, I can't wait to see what other wonderful pear creations you come up with!!

  24. Mamma mia! This is amazing! You are such a great baker Sara! I wish I could meet you and bake together one day:)And drink lots of espresso and tell stories. Hugs from me! Buon Natale! xo


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