
December 23, 2010

Would you like to know where I’m going for Christmas?

Do you know where I’m going for Christmas? I’m going to a super cool place. It’s warm, it’s fun, it’s full of friends, old and new. In that place, you feel beloved and listened to (or read!). And, yes, there is always good food there. Well, you know what the secret is? The head chef over there is really….THE Chef, as I call him.

Did you guess yet? Yes, correct. I’m going Chez Chef Dennis @ More than a Mount Full. Well, I’m not going there in person (although, I will ask Santa for such a present for next year!). But virtually, and in spirit, I will be there for the Christmas Eve’s Friday guest post. Hurray!

And do you want to know what the heck is this weird looking thingy that I made for the guest post? I’ll give you only one piece of information. It’s called Nadalin and….oh wait…stop talking, silly me! You really should head over at More than a Mount Full to read the whole post.

Ho ho ho Buon Natale a tutti!


  1. Ciao Sara
    Thank you so much for such an wonderful guest post! The Nadalin is simply amazing!
    Best wishes to you and your husband for a joyful relaxing Christmas!
    Buon Natale!

  2. Thank you Chef! it was a true honor and....the Nadalin is almost over :)
    I wish I could have shared it with you :)
    Buon Natale!

  3. I'm headed over to the Chef's page to read the full review. I am SO excited that you're the guest poster!!!

  4. Congrats on the guest post, Sara! I'll head over there now...

  5. What a perfect place to be on Christmas Eve! Will go right over and check it out, just wanted to wish you and your family a Very Merry Christmas first!

  6. Just read your guest post, what a great place to be.
    Wishing you the gift of faith, the blessing of hope and the peace of His love at Christmas and always.

    Happy Holidays, Ina


  7. Sorry, I wrote Ina instead of Sara, sorry

    happy holidays

  8. That's so funny. I'll have to follow you over to Chef Dennis's for holiday fun.

  9. I read your wonderful guest post on chef Dennis' blog, superb job and Merry Christmas!

  10. Just left foodbuzz to check where you are going, and now, I will be checking out Chef Dennis blog.
    Can't think of a better place to guest post, on Christmas Eve...lucky you!

  11. Thanks for stopping by guys and for heading to the Chef's too!
    ps for Roxana: don't worry...I read so many blogs and multitask so much that sometimes I make a mess with names :)

  12. great to meet you loved your guest post on Chef Dennis's blog now following

    Merry Christmas


  13. I'm so excited that you did a guest post for Chef Dennis!!! I'm going to check it out right now, I can't wait to read it! :)

    Have a Merry Christmas Sara! :)

  14. read your guest post at Chef Dennis
    happy holidays to you and family

  15. I hope you're having a lovely Christmas. I'm heading over to Chef Dennis' right now...

    Happy Holidays to you :)

  16. Loved your guest post on Chef Dennis' blog. Lovely to find you and am now following in Google! Happy Holidays.

  17. I hope you guys will like my guest post at Chef Dennis'
    And nice "meeting" you Boulder Locavore. I love meeting new bloggers :)

  18. Buon Natale Sara!!! The Nadalin is gorgeous!!!! I hope you have a glorious Christmas holiday - God Bless you now and always

  19. Yay congrats on the guest post and I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

  20. I have just discovered your blog, which is very very nice!
    Now I am following you

    Best of wishes for 2011

  21. Look at you.. in the big leagues with Chef Dennis now :) Beautiful bread and beautiful post as always!

  22. Loved your guest post! Merry Christmas :)


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